Looking for bathroom ideas & bathroom designs for your new bathroom? Browse our 100s of bathroom pictures for bathroom décor ideas that will appeal to every taste2. Be Functional. Functionality is key for a small bathroom. Small rooms can easily lead to unwanted clutter, so make sure you’re adding only design elements that 38 Stylish Bathroom Design Ideas. The design of your bathroom dictates its overall mood and energy. Tiled walls give it a clean, modern look, while certain colors and Bathroom design tips and bathroom ideas for your bathroom remodeling project.Bathroom designs and bathroom ideas to give your old bathroom the facelift it needs so badlyFind cool bathroom designs ideas, pictures ,tips and trick.Small bathroom ideas, bathroom floor plans.We’ve assembled our top bathroom ideas and design tips to help you create your dream bathroom on any budget.Restyle Your Bathroom Without Remodeling It. Now that you have done your spring cleaning, here are some easy and inexpensive ways to restyle your bathroom.You want to remodel your bathroom, but you don't want to break the bank, and that's a distinct possibility with any home renovation project. Here's the skinny on how HGTV has inspirational pictures, ideas and expert tips on bathroom color and paint ideas that add a vibrant and lively design to your bathroom space.