Smart decorating ideas for small bathrooms, as well as small bathroom photos, from the Guide to Budget Decorating at bathroom designs and decorating ideas. Discover inspiration for your bathroom remodel, including colors, storage, layouts and organization.Bathroom remodeling, Bath, photos, pictures, Shower, design, ideas, tile, Fairfax, Manassas, Va. granite floorSmall, Bathroom, remodel, Burke, Bath, powder, remodeling, photos, pictures, design, ideas, tile, layout, shower, repair, Fairfax, Manassas, Va.Bathroom pictures from show how to make the most of a small bath with smaller bathroom fixtures, bold paint colors and pretty decorating - Small Bathroom Ideas design ideas and photos. The largest collection of interior design and decorating ideas on the Internet, including kitchens and 2. Be Functional. Functionality is key for a small bathroom. Small rooms can easily lead to unwanted clutter, so make sure you’re adding only design elements that Maximize your bathroom with these tips and ideas for small bathroom spaces. Bathrooms are usually small spaces that are called upon to do many things.See the latest 2016 small bathroom floor plans to match your space. Ideas, photos, costs for a small bath remodel.If you're wondering how to decorate a bathroom, you'll love these small bathroom design ideas. Create a stylish bathroom with big impact with our easy small bathroom