Browse powder room designs and decorating ideas. Discover inspiration for your half bath remodel or makeover, including decor, color, layouts and - Powder Room design ideas and photos. The largest collection of interior design and decorating ideas on the Internet, including kitchens and bathrooms.Since the powder room is often the smallest room in the home, it allows you to use wallpaper in an extensive fashion without any inhibitions. From the colorful to the Turn this often tiny space into a fun, elegant or whimsical room for guests with these design, style and color ideas.Browse photos of small bathrooms and powder rooms for inspiration on bathroom layouts, materials and decor, to help with your home renovation.A powder room is just a rather more fancy way of referring to a bathroom or toilet room. It’s primarily designed to be used by guests. The term may also reRemodeling your powder rooms can turn them into elegant and fun rooms for guests. You only need to pay attention to design, color and style to completely change their Nothing makes guests feel more pampered than a stylish powder room. Here are decorating ideas, design tips, and pictures of our favorites.Sputnik chandelier and tulips in a modern powder room. You don’t have to purchase a large pendant light to add drama and flair to the powder room.The Powder Room has stylists that are experienced in wedding hair and know how important your big day is. We are happy for you to bring a makeup artist into the salon